The Tortoise & the Windup

Object of the event:

To cover a known distance of track in the shortest time, as measured with a stopwatch, without falling off the track.

Each participant can enter as many separate clockwork engines as desired.

Each entry can attempt up to three runs of the course.

Only the single best time for each entry will be used to determine the winner.

Only 0 gauge will compete against 0 gauge.

Any gauge-1 participants will compete against gauge-1 or, if there are no competitive entries, can do up to three demonstration runs.

The decisions of the judge and event times as determined by the timekeeper are final.

Entries will be timed from release until return to the starting point (145 feet.)

Flywheels, counter weights and other balancing attachments are permitted but no modification of any obstacle or trackside impediment will occur unless it is determined to be to the advantage of all participants.