The 3rd Annual Spring Windup

Trains in the garden

Trains were run on the railway throughout the day, weather notwithstanding. There was some disagreement between the tinplate wheels and the switches, as usual, but, by and large, everything stayed on the track pretty well.
Chuck Donovan's train, made largely from empty food tins, was a big hit again this year.
Richard Reiff attending to one of his railcars after a mishap.
This Marx streamliner from the 1950s is a flashy performer.
This 0 scale 4-6-0T by Walker Fenn has a variable-speed motor in it. It won both trophies for the slowest and strongest clockwork engine.
One of the most interesting trains at the Windup, this Australian streamlined Pacific ran extremely fast.
"Comin' or Goin'" -- another of Chuck Donovan's whimsical creations.
Jim Montgomery applies power to his Hornby engine.
This Swiss railcar was another unusual visitor.